Blackfin Tuna
Overall, the fishing in Key West was good in March, the tuna fishing was awesome offshore, but we did not have the sailfish bite we were hoping for. We did catch a few sails, but not in any great numbers. The afternoon tuna trips have been really popular with my clients and the bite was consistent. Besides tunas, the wrecks offshore have been productive with amberjacks, mutton snappers, rainbow runners and a few african pompano. There has also been a lot of action with kingfish and bonitas as well. The water offshore has looked beautiful and hopefully in April, we will start to see some mahi show up out there.
In the backcountry we kept busy catching barracudas on the flats, they have been biting really well. We had a good speckled trout bite in the basins. That was really nice on windy days when working the flats was tough, you can drift the basins and catch trout and other species. When the water has been warm enough, we have seen some permit and bonefish, but March was probably the coldest month this winter. The tarpon have finally started to show up around Key West, we haven't seen any big schools yet, but the fish we have found have been eating.
Rainbow Runner